
WE are

GDWTR is a new kind of business administration company, influenced by the specific needs of modern creatives. Our company was founded in 2021 after a discussion between a group of creative friends with roots in Charlotte, Nashville, and elsewhere. 

As we shared our stories about navigating the landscapes of our respective industries, from music to photography to visual art, we found more similarities than differences between us. We all felt drained by admin work in our independent businesses, finding that it disrupted the natural flow of creativity and ultimately wasted our time and energy.

Out of this conversation came the genesis of GDWTR, a company that combines the best of both worlds: the straightforward professionalism of an administrative firm with the relaxed informality of a creative agency.

Our name, GDWTR, was also derived from the overflow of this dialogue. The phrase “good water” evokes images of flowing rivers and ocean currents, an apt metaphor for the creative process. 

Like water, time is a precious—and finite—resource. In order to reach your full potential, you need to use it efficiently. We’ll take the burden of the mundane admin tasks off your shoulders so you can do just that.


WE offer

The GDWTR team provides a wide range of services that simplify the administrative side of your creative business, allowing you to remain in the flow state for longer and without interruption. We help you get back to doing what you’re best at, eliminating unnecessary stressors around tax time and helping you keep a streamlined business throughout the year.



Overwhelmed with invoices? Tired of waiting ages for payouts? We ensure all your invoices reach clients promptly, and send the uncomfortable reminder emails to those who are dragging their feet. We make sure you get paid as quickly as possible and that the money flows regularly into your account throughout the month rather than remaining in limbo.



Once your creative business really starts to take off, you inevitably get busier. This certainly isn’t a bad thing, but it can be stressful if you don’t have an optimized schedule. We keep you on track with a weekly and monthly plan so you can get ahead of the game, give yourself time to prepare for meetings, and know exactly what you’ll be doing every day.



They’re one of the great equalizers, but for the creative small business owner, tax season looks a little different than it does for your corporate friends. Navigating the world of expenses and writeoffs can seem daunting, especially if your business is growing at a fast rate. We take control by providing income documents at the end of every fiscal year to help systematize your taxes and prepare you for filing. Additionally, we can point you in the right direction by connecting you with trusted accountants.



Relying on referrals isn’t enough. Social media is now the number one way people seek out creative services. You need to be posting good content—and often—to gain traction and scale your business. We collaborate with designers, copywriters, and social media specialists to plan a sophisticated calendar specifically for socials. We schedule posts well in advance so you don’t have to do anything but sit back and watch your engagement grow.